Saturday, October 8, 2011

HDTV Antenna - Why You Should Get One

So what is this all about? First, let me cover some of the basics. An analog signal is one that has been used with the early television reception needs. It is a more consistent signal that delivers beautiful resolution and it's out there on the airwaves waiting for you to discover it. Never want to turn on the television to see only static again? Then discover the wonderful world of the HDTV antenna.

There are basically two options to consider before purchasing new HDTV antennas. The first is reception. Reception certainly is the most important criterion. There are really two things that you should be aware of when determining reception. The first factor is the distance from the installation point to the TV tower and the second factor are obstacles that block that distance such as buildings or mountains.

Deciding whether you want indoor or outdoor HDTV antenna equipment is very simple. An outside device will usually result in more viewing choices than an inside one, however, if you live within 40 miles from a TV tower, then an indoor unit will work fine. The benefit of using a much smaller inside device is the convenience of setting it up directly on or in close proximity to the television set. There are antennas that work best from 40 to 60 miles and then from 60 to 150 miles from the TV tower. It is really important to find the distance from your home to the TV tower before you purchase an antenna.

Many people are upgrading or now own the new LCD or plasma HDTVs. This provides in-home family entertainment which is much more cost-effective than taking the entire family to a theatre. Given the economy, this can be a very good choice. As you have probably already seen, HDTV makes everything on your television screen appear more true to life, easier to see and colors appear much more vibrant.

Instead of adding HDTV access to your cable or satellite package, consider the installation of an HDTV antenna setup to receive the HDTV signals. Cable and satellite packages charge monthly fees for this service. If you choose to add an HDTV antenna instead, you will find that the quality is better and the cost is significantly lower. Many HDTV antennas are very easy to install and even arrive already assembled. One of the other advantages is that because it is not a 'dish' shape but rather an open antenna style, snow and other problematic interference does not become a problem.

The most important thing to consider when purchasing an HDTV antenna is the distance from your home to the TV tower. There is a website that allows you to simply type in the address of the place you want to install the antenna and it will give you the distance to the closest TV tower that it will pull the signal from. Once you have this information, simply choose the antenna that matches the distance so that you get the best quality picture.

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