Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Rewards of Going TV Free

As a parent, the time you spend with your family is very valuable. However in today’s fast paced world there is not much time to sit at the dinner table, play board games, talk, read together, or connect with your kids; and as much as you may want to think it is, turning on the TV and sitting on the couch next to you child is not quality time. In most cases it desensitizes you to what is really going on and keeps a mind in idle mode.

Going TV free is a good way to capture valuable family time and reap many other rewards as well.

There are many health risks involved in watching too much television. Children who watch too much TV have a greater risk of becoming obese. For both infants and teens too much TV can cause sleep problems.  For the adult who watches too much TV, they are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because there is not enough activity going on.

Your body is in a sedentary state and it reacts by getting sick and diseased. Getting out of the house for some fresh air and activity is the most beneficial thing you can do with your family and for your health. Even if you are in the house take some time and just move. Turn on some good music dance, and get silly with kids or spend sometime dancing cheek to cheek with the one you love.

Another reward to going TV free is that it expands creativity and imagination. With the TV on your mind become a wasteland of mush. Well, maybe not mush but pretty close. The one thing we tend to lose as adults is the ability to imagine; but with our children and no TV we can get that imagination back on track and find all sorts of ways to use simple things like paper towel rolls or used soda caps.

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