Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tired of trashy TV?

Americans love to be entertained, though most of what passes for entertainment these days isn’t that good.

As almost every viewer and listener can attest, consumers seeking objectionable material need not look too far, says Ned Norris, president of RUSC (RU Sitting Comfortably?). "Too much of today’s television and radio is simply trashy. People get tired of that."

Almost every channel features a reality show that does not resemble the reality of most Americans. Daytime soaps and talk shows glorify lives and relationships built around sex and deceit, and prime-time shows offer prime examples of societal ills. Radio can be just as bad, with profanity in rock-’n-roll and rap lyrics, and talk shows that lean heavily on hatred and sexual innuendo to appeal to an increasingly cynical audience.

"This country has an insatiable demand for entertainment media," Norris says. "But adults who want to listen with their kids, or just to enjoy programming that’s well-written and creative, have fewer choices today than they once did.

"Fortunately, old-time radio has it all: Comedy that’s honestly funny without exceeding the bounds of good taste. Drama and suspense from an era when writers had to depend on their skill with words, rather than flashy special effects. Variety shows, quiz shows, westerns, and stories for kids."

RUSC has a library of more than 5,000 episodes of old-time radio shows for every taste. The company adds another 20 to 40 every week.

People tired of comedies dependent on shock humor or silliness will appreciate the timelessness of old-time radio. The title characters of Fibber McGee and Molly, a show that aired from 1935 through 1956, argue about who’s spending the money, who’s doing the chores, and why the hall closet is packed with so much junk. Listeners will realize that some facets of American life haven’t changed that much. Jokes about war bonds aside, the McGees and other comic families of yesteryear aren’t too different from modern families – and they manage to be funny without gross-out gags.

Listeners interested in drama and intrigue can enjoy a wide selection of titles. Long before they hit the small screen, lawyer Perry Mason, the Lone Ranger, U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon, and Detective Sgt. Joe Friday of Dragnet solved crimes on the radio. RUSC’s library includes episodes of more than 40 detective series and nearly 60 dramas and thrillers.

In the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s, millions of families gathered around the radio in the evenings to catch their favorite shows. Life was simpler back then, but shows that appealed to the nuclear family of 1950 can still capture the imagination of 21st-century listeners of all ages.

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